Gadget Gifts, Gift Reviews, Toy Reviews
Pebli Town
I was delighted to have the opportunity to express my thoughts on Pebli Town as it is one of the most exciting and innovative new ‘toys’ on the market. Released just in time for the Christmas shopping rush, Pebli Town will ‘fly’ off the shelves this December.
What is it?? To be honest, I have sat down and read the press release, the information on the box along with the instructions in detail – and despite not having a single clue as to what Pebli Town initially was, I now know and love this new concept of ‘play’. A new toy can be a little off-putting – you are thinking – is this a new fad? Will it work? Will my kids like it and play with it? The answer to all these questions is a big fat YES!!
I have summed up the basic principles of Pebli Town for you and you can find further information on the website here.
Pebli Town does what every good toy should – it promotes fine motor development, hand-eye coordination, vocabulary, creativity, problem solving imagination and self expression. Despite all of this Pebli Town is also what all toys should be – portable and easily packed away!
With Pebli Town, your children can continue to use their tablet yet they also play in a traditional way as well. With four game modes, Pebli Town uses hot spot technology to allow children to interact and ‘transport’ their play pieces directly onto a tablet from a play board. However, as only 99% of the actually play is done on the tablet, your children continues to have the many benefits of traditional play.
Aimed at children from the age of 3yrs upwards and priced at only £59.99, Pebli Town is a fun way to hold onto the tradition of ‘play’ while also moving forward with today’s technology.
Purchase from
Compatible with most Apple and Android devices.
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