Health and Beauty, Homeware Reviews
Lifft Slings.
The Lifft Sling is known as the ‘easy’ baby sling. I can vouch for that, it is easy! My sister had her little toot of a baby 2 weeks ago – 5Ib 3oz. She has a little girl who is 1 yr old as well and she finds it easy to carry them both (not together) in her Lifft sling.
An interesting statistic – The Lifft sling is scientifically proven to improve posture. This makes the Lifft sling very appealing to mothers as other slings on the market cannot make this claim. It is biometrically proven to help keep your spine straight, spreading the weight of the baby across the back and shoulders. The only sling of its kind, the Lifft sling has 6 natural carrying positions and can be used from birth right up to the age of 3 yrs old. It allows for easy discrete breastfeeding in the newborn position as shown below.
But why use a sling? Surely there is another reason apart from burning 216 calories an hour when carrying baby!! The Lifft sling allows your baby to stay close, hear your voice and your heartbeat as it has done for the past 9 months. Baby can also see your face, a very important factor in mental development. Both your hands will be free when using the Lifft so you are able to continue to carry out activities with older toddlers such as reading books, feeding and playing.
Lifft slings also look great, available in many colours and they even suit dad too!
For further information visit RRP £55
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