Gift Reviews, Homeware Reviews
Dainty Delights Maker.
I adore baking, despite the fact that I never made anything until I had my children! When my 2 girls came along I started to make buns with them, which lead to pancakes, scones and other tasty treats. My 4 year old son has followed in these footsteps and as soon as he sees the butter and flour appear out of the cupboard, he says, ‘I will help you make a cake mummy’. How cute!
Every mother wants to bake with her kids, but not every mother has the time to spare. Work and housework, homework, piano practice, jujitsu, and necessities like making dinner take precedence over satisfying our sweet tooth. However, baking and cooking with your children serves a much greater purpose. They learn to count when weighing ingredients, they learn to follow instruction for a pleasing result while following a recipe and they develop creatively when decorating home-made treats. These are only a few of the benefits, baking with your children is also fun and a great way to bond with your little darlings.
So, calling all busy mums and dads, buy the Sweet Treats Dainty Delights Maker! This device will allow you to make cakes in 4-5 minutes! Yes, you will still weigh ingredients and follow a recipe so the kids do not miss out, but your cakes will only cook for 5 minutes thus saving at least 15 minutes of your time waiting on cakes to cook. The resulting minimal mess made when using the Dainty Delights maker will again save you at least another 15 minutes. There you go – the perfect accessory to any family kitchen.
My children love the Dainty Delights Maker. We use it at least once weekly and I have not used a baking tray or bun case from it arrived. The cakes are gorgeous after only cooking for 5 minutes and they pop out from the machine with ease with no sticking or crumbling – thanks to the non-stick coated base. A total of 8 cakes are made at once and this is plenty for our family of 5. They are really fab looking and can be decorated simply or elaborately, whatever you choose. Sometimes we drizzle icing over the tops, and we have also painstakingly decorated each shape with alternatively coloured strips of sugar paste. We have added different flavours to the mixture and different colours – this looks really well when baked. The recipe book included is great, lots of tips and ideas so you always have something lovely to make.
Dad’s – go and buy this for your homemaker this Christmas. No shop-bought bun I have ever tried has even came close to the home-made variety. You will ultimately be buying for yourself as you will have lots of yummy home-made buns to sample!
Very well priced at £29.99 Available from Lakeland and Amazon.
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