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Nerf MEGA Mastodon Blaster
The Nerf MEGA Mastodon Blaster is one MEAN machine. My 8yr old son has an addiction to Nerf guns – however, the more mums I talk to, it seams this is quite a ‘catching’ addiction and it can even spread to certain ‘dads’ if they are not careful!
Unfortunately, this addiction has also affected my daughters as well as my husband and I am not safe in my own home. I have had to ban all Nerf items from the kitchen as we were even having ‘Nerf dart soup’ yesterday by ‘accident’.
I should not complain, it takes quite the ‘toy’ to keep my kids from their phones, tablets and Nintendo’s so I am grateful in a way to Hasbro for coming up with a solution to the ‘electrical revolution’ which seams to have taken over so many kids lives. At least mine are running around like mad things shooting each other, mind you, its certainly exercise!
This latest addition is very impressive, I am also impressed my 8yr old can manage it quite as well as he can. Its massive!!!
Hasbro had their heads screwed on when they added a strap to this gun, it helps balance it so the aim is even more accurate.
Now, with regards to darts, your kids won’t keep having to reload as this gun just keeps firing and firing!!
The Nerf MEGA Mastodon Blaster whizzes its 25 darts through the air at lightening speeds and nothing in its way will escape, not even me! The drum revolves and releases the darts one after the other and your child can race around swinging it from their shoulder from left to right just like Arnold back in the day of The Terminator – at the risk of showing my age here!
These darts can travel up to 30 metres and as per usual this item comes with full instructions and a warning not to be aimed at the face or used with any other darts other than those from Nerf.
Price wise, I was a little surprised you can pick this up from your local toyshop or online for £59.99. Compared to other brands which I know aim to compete with Nerf but they do not survive the ‘rough and tumble’ of our household, this is a very good value for money Nerf Gun.
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