Gadget Gifts, Gift Reviews, Homeware Reviews, Teenage Gifts
Kazam Tornado 348
Phones, oh how they have changed! I remember my first phone like it was yesterday – and to be honest, I did hang onto it for quite some time. Yes, it was old but it worked and served me well. It’s like all products, if they work well and if the company offers a good follow up service, we can rest easy continuing to use that particular product in the faith that, in unforeseen events, we have a back up plan.
The KAZAM Tornado 348 is the exact product you are looking for if you need the latest technology combined with super ‘all singing all dancing’ customer care.
Like any other android phone, you can have all the apps you like to keep you connected, with all the latest super smart features. All this, yet the KAZAM Tornado 348 still manages to be the worlds slimmest smartphone at an amazing 5.15mm!
However, what about when you are rushing out of the house and your precious phone falls to the floor, smashing the glass. I have let phones fall out of my car window, into the sink and into the toilet! Good customer care and a back-up plan is just what I needed.
I am not aware of a phone on the market (other than the KAZAM) that has a rescue feature pre-installed?! Any problem that you encounter or queries you have, these can be resolved fast.
The free cracked screen replacement is why I love the KAZAM in particular. Yes, I have also cracked quite a few phone screens – I have yet to damage my KAZAM though! This fab company will offer free screen replacement within the first year on all its smartphones. There is also the option of upgrading to a full 3 year warranty for even further piece of mind.
Despite the excellent customer care and back up, my KAZAM Tornado 348 will never be safe! My eldest daughter has offered to set the table and clear up after dinner ever since it arrived. She has an older Samsung phone and the KAZAM is like dangling ‘live bait’ in front of her! I may give in, at some point in the future, but for now, the KAZAM stays with me!
For further information on the KAZAM Tornado 348 visit www.kazam.mob
The KAZAM Tornado 348 is not only good quality, extremely thin & well-designed but comes in at a very reasonable price of £249.
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